Preliminary Program of the Conference
Oral Session 1. Power Interaction with Matter
1. Inogamov N.A. (VNIIA(S), Moscow, Russia), Zhakhovsky V.V., Petrov Y.V., Khokhlov V.A., Perov E.A., Kolobov Y.R., Nelasov I.V., Manokhin S.S., Shepelev V.V., Fortova S.V., Technological applications of laser shock physics Abstract (29 Kb)
2. Veiko V.P. (ITMOU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Odintsova G.V., The overview of scientific directions and achievements of the institute of laser technologies, ITMO university Abstract (21 Kb)
3. Ivanov D.S. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Zavestovskaya I.N., Klimentov S.M., Popov A., Shahov P., Kabashin A.V., Modeling of nanoparticles formation process due to pulsed laser ablation in liquids Abstract (22 Kb)
4. Khokhlov V.A. (ITP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Inogamov N.A., Petrov Yu.V., Murzov S.A., Zhakhovsky V.V., Ashitkov S.I., Manokhin S.S., Nelasov S.S., Kolobov Yu.R., Phase transformations in a strong short laser shock wave Abstract (29 Kb)
5. Vshivkov A.N. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Gachegova E.A., Kostina A.A., Plekhov O.A., Experimental and numerical investigation of laser shock peening Abstract (27 Kb)
6. Bobrov A.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Saakyan S.A., Sautenkov V.A., Vilshanskaya E.V., Zelener B.B., Control of dipole--dipole interactions in dense resonance medium by fast switching of optical excitation using intense laser radiation Abstract (20 Kb)
7. Kudryashov S.I. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Laser-induced Frenkel interstitial-vacancy pairs in diamond: Life in couple or apart? Abstract (17 Kb)
8. Kuzmin E.V. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Rimskaya E.N., Danilov P.A., Kudryashov S.I., Kriulina G.U., Structural transformations of atomic nitrogen during bulk femtosecond laser micromarking of natural diamond Abstract (27 Kb)
9. Krasin G.K. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Gulina Y.S., Kuzmin E.V., Kudryashov S.I., Polarization-sensitive laser photoexcitation and filamentation in diamond Abstract (27 Kb)
10. Safronov K.V. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Flegentov V.A., Gorokhov S.A., Shamaeva N.N., Bashkin D.I., Tischenko A.S., Zamuraev D.O., Shamraev A.L., Kovaleva S.F., Fedorov N.A., Potapov A.V., Dubrovskikh S.M., Pilipenko A.S., Kustov A.S., Shibakov E.A., Laser acclerator for radiation hardness assessment of microelectronic devices Abstract (21 Kb)
11. Andreev N.E., Umarov I.R. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Popov V.S., Intense laser sources of gamma radiation and neutrons based on high-current beams of super-ponderomotive electrons Abstract (26 Kb)
12. Veysman M.E. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Umarov I.R., Pugacheva D.V., Andreev N.E., Multi-stage laser-plasma acceleration of ultrashort bunches of electrons and positrons Abstract (28 Kb)
13. Vais O.E. (VNIIA(S), Moscow, Russia), Lobok M.G., Bychenkov V.Yu., Ultrabright synchrotron radiation generated during the propagation of multipetawatt laser pulse in the self-trapping regime Abstract (23 Kb)
14. Ovechkin A.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Loboda P.A., Karlykhanov N.G., Nosulenko D.S., Vikhlyaev D.A., Gavrilov D.S., Borisov E.S., Devyatkov S.D., Emelyanov A.V., Pakhomov S.N., Pryakhina E.A., Potapov A.V., Titarenko N.Y., Experimental and theoretical investigation of emission spectra of aluminum targets irradiated by picosecond laser pulses Abstract (22 Kb)
15. Flegentov V.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Safronov K.V., Shamaeva N.N., Gorokhov S.A., Borisov E.S., Gavrilov D.S., Titarenko N.Yu., Potapov A.V., Laser-plasma bremsstrahlung source for high density objects radiography Abstract (25 Kb)
16. Nazarov M.M. (NRC KI, Moscow, Russia), Shcheglov P.A., Mitrofanov A.V., Margushev Z.Ch., Rozhko M.V., Sidorov-Birykov D.A., Electron acceleration and efficient THz generation from TW laser driven surface plasma Abstract (27 Kb)
17. Brantov A.V. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kuratov A.S., Lobok M.G., Bychenkov V.Yu., Powerful laser-produced unipolar THz pulses Abstract (23 Kb)
18. Karpov M.A. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Tcherniega N.V., Shevchenko M.A., Umanskaya S.F., Mironova T.V., Kleopova N.A., Kudryavtseva A.D., Effects of radiation generation during the interaction of high-energy electron beams with ordered nanostructures Abstract (18 Kb)
19. Filippov E.D. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Pikuz T.A., Pikuz S.A., Bolanos S., Sladkov A., Smets R., Chen S.N., Grisollet A., Henares J., Safronova M., Nastasa V., Riquier R., Starodubtsev M.V., Severin A., Fuchs J., X-ray diagnostics of magnetic reconnection in collided laser-induced plasma flows Abstract (26 Kb)
20. Smirnov N.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Ovechkin A.A., Calculation of the transport properties of metals under non-equilibrium heating Abstract (27 Kb)
21. Khokonov M.Kh. (KBSU, Nalchik, Russia), Lomanosov V.S., Azhakhova A.S., Influence of spin on radiation spectrum of electrons in the field of powerful lasers and oriented crystals at high energies Abstract (27 Kb)
22. Pasynkova D.S. (BMSTU, Moscow, Russia), Novikov P.A., Novikov D.O., Telekh V.D., Skriabin A.S., Investigation of degradation of a multilayer coating Al-MgF$_{2}$ after exposure of vacuum ultraviolet radiation Abstract (29 Kb)
23. Senoshenko R.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kononov E.A., Vasiliev M.M., Petrov O.F., Collective effects in active colloidal systems of complex composition under the action of laser radiation Abstract (24 Kb)
24. Krivosheev S.I. (SPbPU, Saint-Peters\-burg, Russia), Adamian Y.E., Magazinov S.G., Thermodynamic approach to the evaluation of the impulse strength of materials Abstract (17 Kb)
25. Gulyaev Yu.V., Cherepenin V.A., Pavlyukova E.R. (IRE RAS, Moscow, Russia), Non-thermal impact by ultrashort super high power electromagnetic pulses on cell structures of the living body Abstract (19 Kb)
26. Urvachev E.M. (VNIIA(S), Moscow, Russia), Blinnikov S.I., Glazyrin S.I., The radiation-hydrodynamic simulation of SN2009ip Abstract (26 Kb)
27. Barenbaum A.A. (OGRI RAS, Moscow, Russia), The movement of lithosphere plates under the influence of bombardments by galactic comets, a new interpretation of the "true polar wander" phenomenon Abstract (16 Kb)