Poster Session
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Ryazantsev Sergey Nikolayevich (), Skobelev I.Yu., Filippov E.D., Martynenko A.S., Mishchenko M. D., Kr\r{u}s M., Renner O., Pikuz S.A. Precise wavelength measurements of Potassium He- and Li-like satellites in a laser plasma of a mineral target
Poster (pdf, 1659 kB) |
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Polyakov Dmitry Nikolaevich (), Shumova V.V., Vasilyak L.M., Rostilov T.A. Transformations of dust cloud shape in neon DC discharge
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Syrovatka Roman Alexandrovich (), Deputatova L.V., Filinov V.S., Pecherkin V.Ya., Vasilyak L.M., Vladimirov V.I. Cleaning dielectric surfaces by the electrical fields of the linear electrodynamic Paul trap
Poster (pdf, 561 kB) |
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Khrapak Alexey Georgievich (), Khrapak S.A. On the conductivity of moderately non-ideal completely ionized plasma
Poster (pdf, 76 kB) |
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Kozhberov Andrew A. () Electrostatic energy of coulomb crystals with polarized electron background
Poster (pdf, 1200 kB) |
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Zhukhovitskii Dmitry Igorevich () New approach to the theory of void boundary for the rf discharge complex plasma
Poster (pdf, 327 kB) |
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Zhukhovitskii Dmitry Igorevich (), Zhakhovsky V.V. Numerical study of thermodynamics and structure of small clusters in dense gold vapor
using EAM potential
Poster (pdf, 3888 kB) |
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Novikov Leontiy Aleksandrovich (), Karasev V.Yu., Dzlieva E.S., Pavlov S.I. Study of a dust trap by observation the discharge glow in a magnetic field
Poster (pdf, 505 kB) |
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Dzlieva Elena Soslanovna (), Karasev V.Yu., Novikov L.A., Pavlov S.I. Dust trap in a glow discharge in the region of a strongly inhomogeneous magnetic field
Poster (pdf, 930 kB) |
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Pavlov Sergei Ivanovich (), Dzlieva E.S., Novikov L.A., Karasev V.Yu. Obtaining of stable plasma-dust structures in the striation of a glow discharge in a magnetic field up to 15000 G
Poster (pdf, 506 kB) |
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Shumova Valeria Valerievna (), Polyakov D.N., Vasilyak L.M., Rostilov T.A. Ion accumulation by dust cloud in dc discharge
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Kolotinskiy D.A. (), Timofeev A.V. The investigation of dynamic properties of dust particles in RF plasma discharge
Poster (pdf, 1538 kB) |
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Bocharnikov Vladimir Maksimovich (), Volodin V.V., Golub V.V. Energy distribution in the dielectric barrier discharge system at low pressures
Poster (pdf, 1163 kB) |
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Chepelev Vladimir Mikhailovich (), Chistolinov A.V., Antipov S.N., Gadzhiev M.Kh. Gas chromatographic analysis of a cold plasma jet generated on a basis of an electrode microwave discharge in argon flow being interacted with atmospheric air
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Chistolinov Andrey Vladimirovich (), Sargsyan M.A., Antipov S.N., Gadzhiev M.Kh. Optical properties of a cold plasma jet generated by atmospheric pressure electrode microwave discharge in argon flow
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Dudin Sergey Vasilievich (), Kulish M.I., Mintsev V.B. Registration of the emission of plasma and fine particles by the Langmuir probe
Poster (pdf, 685 kB) |
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Panov Vladislav Alexandrovich (), Vasilyak L.M., Vetchinin S.P., Pecherkin V.Ya., Kulikov Yu.M., Saveliev A.S. Electrodes polarity effect on the development of breakdown in conductive water with air microbubbles
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Pecherkin Vladimir Yakovlevich (), Vasilyak L.M., Vetchinin S.P., Privalov P.A. Investigation of backscattering of resonant dielectric magnetic dipoles at different angles of incidence of a plane electromagnetic wave in the microwave range
Poster (pdf, 210 kB) |