All Accepted Abstracts
Section 5. Physics of Low Temperature Plasma
1. Gavrilin R.O. (NRC KI, Moscow, Russia), Khurchiev A.O., Kantsyrev A.V., Visotski S.A., Kolesnikov D.S., Golubev A.A., Roudskoy I.V., Volkov V.A., Drozdovsky A.A., Kuibeda R.P., Fedin P.A., Savin S.M., Kuznetsov A.P., Stopping power measurement for 100 keV/u Fe ions in hydrogen plasma Abstract (24 Kb)
2. Zaporozhets Yu.B. (IPCP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Mintsev V.B., Gryaznov V.K., Karakhtanov V.S., Reinholz H., R\"opke G., Interaction of laser radiation with strongly coupled xenon and krypton plasma Abstract (30 Kb)
3. Apfelbaum E.M. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), The thermophysical properties of low-temperature bismuth plasma Abstract (28 Kb)
4. Karakhtanov V.S. (IPCP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Calculations of thermal conductivity of fully ionized hydrogen plasma with dynamical screening and degeneracy in electron-electron scattering Abstract (15 Kb)
5. Bobrov V.B. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Trigger S.A., The one-particle wave function of the Bose–Einstein condensate and nonstationary Gross-Pitaevskii equation Abstract (24 Kb)
6. Saakyan S.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Klimov S.V., Galstyan K.P., Sautenkov V.A., Zelener B.B., Photoionization cross section of the first excited state of lithium Abstract (30 Kb)
7. Shikin V.B. (ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Chikina I., Multiply charged colloids near the border of two media with different dielectric constants Abstract (22 Kb)
8. Dyachkov L.G. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Abdirakhmanov A.R., Bastykova N.Kh., Kodanova S.K., Ring dust structures in a stratified glow discharge in a magnetic field Abstract (23 Kb)
9. Dzlieva E.S., Novikov L.A. (SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Pavlov S.I., Balabas M.V., Tarasov S.A., Gasilov M.A., Karasev V.Yu., Selection of dust particles in a standing stratum in glow discharge in inert gases with different ionization potentials Abstract (20 Kb)
10. Svetlov A.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Vasiliev M.M., Kononov E.A., Petrov O.F., Dynamics of single Janus particles in a dc glow discharge under the action of laser radiation Abstract (26 Kb)
11. Kononov E.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Vasiliev M.M., Petrov O.F., Particle Surface Modification in the Plasma of an RF Discharge Abstract (28 Kb)
12. Timofeev A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Some unique properties of dusty plasma Abstract (18 Kb)
13. Martynova I.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Iosilevskiy I.L., Macroion effective charge in an asymmetric complex plasma Abstract (25 Kb)
14. Shumova V.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Polyakov D.N., Vasilyak L.M., Surface tension of Coulomb balls Abstract (26 Kb)
15. Selivonin I. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Moralev I., Current pulses and the development of microdischarges in SDBD in the presence of oxide on the electrodes Abstract (24 Kb)
16. Filippov A.V, (SRC RF TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia), Electrostatic interaction of dielectric spheres with significantly different sizes Abstract (19 Kb)
17. Rodin M.M. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Filippov A.V., Electrostatics of two dielectric spheres, one of which contains a metal core Abstract (25 Kb)
18. Reshetniak V.V. (SRC RF TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia), Reshetniak O.B., Filippov A.V., Decomposition of small protonated water clusters in humid air Abstract (30 Kb)
19. Nikolaev V.S. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Timofeev A.V., Nonuniformity of phase state and phase coexistence in a dusty plasma monolayer Abstract (25 Kb)
20. Voronov I.V. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Nikolaev V.S., Timofeev A.V., Dynamical properties of harmonically confined charged particles in plasma Abstract (30 Kb)
21. Kolotinskii D.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Timofeev A.V., Study of plasma distribution around various dust particle structures Abstract (23 Kb)
22. Sametov E.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Lisin E.A., Kononov E.A., Vasiliev M.M., Petrov O.F., Experimental study of unstable states and kinetic heating of dust particles in a gas discharge Abstract (22 Kb)
23. Vaulina O.S., Lisina I.I., Lisin E.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Active Brownian motion of a self-propelled particle with rotational inertia Abstract (20 Kb)
24. Kaufman S.V. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Vaulina O.S., Energy exchange in extended systems of various configurations
consisting of non-identical dust particles in plasma Abstract (20 Kb)
25. Zobnin A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Lipaev A.M., Usachev A.D., Syrovatka R.A., Petrov O.F., Pustylnik M.Yu., Thoma M.H., Thomas H.M., Ivanishin A.A., Residual charges on the microparticles after a direct current discharge turn-off in the ``Plasma Kristall-4'' facility Abstract (25 Kb)
26. Dolnikov G.G. (IKI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Zakharov A.V., Kuznetsov I.A., Lyash A.N., Shehovtseva A.V., Kartasheva A.A., Dubov A.E., Shashkova I.A., Projkov A.V., Investigation of dust dynamics for airless bodies by new aproach with using piezoceramic and electrical sensors Abstract (21 Kb)
27. Izvekova Yu.N. (IKI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Popel S.I., On the adhesion in the formation of dusty plasmas near the surface of the Moon Abstract (16 Kb)
28. Starikovskiy A.Yu. (PU, Princeton, United States), Aleksandrov N.L., Shneider M.N., NS pulse discharge development in inhomogeneous magnetic field Abstract (23 Kb)
29. Viktorov M.E. (IAP RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Kiseleva E.M., Izotov I.V., Skalyga V.A., Study of kinetic instabilities in a dense nonequilibrium plasma of a continuous ECR discharge in an open magnetic trap Abstract (23 Kb)
30. Golubev S.V. (IAP RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Lapin R.L., Skalyga V.A., Izotov I.V., Bokhanov A.F., Kiseleva E.M., Vybin S.S., Experimental study of a plasma VUV emission of negative hydrogen ion source based on CW ECR discharge Abstract (29 Kb)
31. Pecherkin V.Ya. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Deputatova L.V., Filinov V.S., Syrovatka R.A., Vasilyak L.M., Vladimirov V.I., Localization of charged particles in an electrodynamic trap with a charged thread Abstract (23 Kb)
32. Tsventoukh M.M. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), On runaway electrons acceleration in trapped mode during the pulsed discharge and enhancement of plasma generation Abstract (18 Kb)
33. Mesyats G.A., Zubarev N.M. (IEP UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Generation of runaway electrons during pulsed breakdown of high-pressure (tens of atmospheres) gases Abstract (21 Kb)
34. Vlasov A.N. (RSREU, Ryazan, Russia), Dubkov M.V., Burobin M.A., Cherkasova Yu.V., Nikolaev A.V., Experimental study of a pulsed gas discharge initiated by the electric explosion of metal in the semi-open cylindrical chamber Abstract (20 Kb)
35. Kaziev A.V. (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia), Tumarkin A.V., Kharkov M.M., Kolodko D.V., Ageychenkov D.G., Lisenkov V.Yu., Sorokin S.M., Isakova A.S., Target surface state in a hot-target high-power impulse magnetron sputtering process Abstract (27 Kb)
36. Pinchuk M.E. (IEE RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Budin A.V., Dyachenko A.A., Krivosheev S.I., Bogomaz A.A., Mean electric field and total near-electrode voltage drops measurements for discharge in hydrogen at initial pressures of~5~MPa with current amplitude~of~1.3~MA Abstract (28 Kb)
37. Triaskin J.V. (SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Pinchuk M.E., Bogomaz A.A., Numerical simulation of the shock wave propagation in the discharge chamber with megaampere discharge in high density gas Abstract (27 Kb)
38. Pinchuk M.E. (IEE RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Lazukin A.V., Stepanova O.M., Gas temperature spatial distribution in air SDBD discharge with additional extraction electrode measured by schlieren imaging Abstract (30 Kb)
39. Oreshkin E.V. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Barengolts S.A., Khishchenko K.V., Parameters of microexplosive cathodic processes occurring upon initiation of vacuum breakdown Abstract (21 Kb)
40. Yakushin R.V. (MUCTR, Moscow, Russia), Chistolinov A.V., Lubin A.A., Investigation of non-stationary processes on the cathode surface in a discharge with a liquid cathode Abstract (20 Kb)
41. Perfilieva A.V., Chistolinov A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Lubin A.A., Investigation of the spatial distribution of the emission intensities of various components of plasma in a direct current discharge with a liquid cathode Abstract (20 Kb)
42. Khirianova A.I. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Parkevich E.V., Medvedev M.A., Khirianov T.F., Investigation of the processes of the near-cathode zone at the early stage of a small-scale air discharge by the method of laser interferometry Abstract (20 Kb)
43. Medvedev M.A. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Oginov A.V., Parkevich E.V., Khirianova A.I., Two wavelength interferometry of current channel in long spark Abstract (20 Kb)
44. Parkevich E.V. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Rodionov A.A., Baidin I.S., Shpakov K.V., Ryabov V.A., Oginov A.V., Temporal map of x-ray, microwave, near-ultraviolet, and visible light emissions from a high-voltage discharge in a long air gap Abstract (20 Kb)
45. Baidin I.S. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Oginov A.V., Parkevich E.V., Medvedev M.A., Rodionov A.A., Shpakov K.V., Specifics of generation, localization and recording of microwave sources observed in the initial phase of a high-voltage atmospheric spark discharge Abstract (21 Kb)
46. Kurilenkov Yu.K. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Oginov A.V., Tarakanov V.P., Gus'kov S.Yu., Samoylov I.S., On plasma oscillatory confinement under DD and proton-boron fusion Abstract (29 Kb)
47. Kavyrshin D.I. (NRU MPEI, Moscow, Russia), Fedorovich S.D., Budaev V.P., Tran Q.V., Karpov A.V., Chinnov V.F., Lukashevsky M.V., Vasiliev G.B., Rogozin K.A., Konkov A.A., Muravieva E.V., Myazin A.S., Determination of small admixture concentration in the near-surface plasma during tests of the fusion reactor’s first wall prototypes Abstract (29 Kb)
48. Kavyrshin D.I., Coronal approach for determining temperature of rarefied magnetized helium plasma Abstract (26 Kb)
49. Tereshonok D.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Babaeva N.Yu., Naidis G.V., Modeling of ionization waves in pure argon at atmospheric pressure Abstract (20 Kb)
50. Zheltukhin V.S., Shemakhin A.Yu., Samsonova E.S., Terentev T.N. (KFU, Kazan, Russia), Modeling the dependence of the electron density on the gas flow rate in the induction plasma of argon Abstract (30 Kb)
51. Shemakhin A.Yu. (KFU, Kazan, Russia), Zheltukhin V.S., Mathematical modeling of RF plasma flow at low pressures taking into account the charge on the sample Abstract (31 Kb)
52. Vetrova S.B. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Usmanov R.A., Antonov N.N., Melnikov A.D., Gavrikov A.V., Polistchook V.P., Energy spectrum of ions in CeO$_2$ plasma of vacuum arc discharge Abstract (29 Kb)
53. Oiler A.P. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Liziakin G.D., Gavrikov A.V., The optimal axis-symmetrical plasma potential distribution for plasma mass separation Abstract (28 Kb)
54. Panov V.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Vetchinin S.P., Saveliev A.S., Kulikov Yu.M., Pulsed electric discharge in conductive microbubble liquid and its purification ability Abstract (21 Kb)
55. Saveliev A.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Spray-discharge in ``air--conductive water'' mixture Abstract (17 Kb)