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Oral Session 5. Physics of Low Temperature Plasma
1. Vilshanskaya E.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Saakyan S.A., Sautenkov V.A., Bobrov A.A., Galstyan K.P., Zelener B.B., Study of nonideal ultracold calcium plasma based on autoionization of Rydberg states [pdf] (1286 Kb)
2. Dolnikov G.G. (IKI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kuznetsov I.A., Kartasheva A.A., Lyash A.N., Dubov A.E., Bychkova A.S., Shehovtseva A.V., Bednyakov S.A., Poroykov A.Yu., Shashkova I.A., Zakharov A.V., Some approach diagnostic electric and kinetic parameters dusty plasma system [pdf] (4372 Kb)
3. Martynova I.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Iosilevskiy I.L., Non-linear screening scaling in a highly asymmetric complex plasma [pdf] (1988 Kb)
4. Filippov A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Babichev V.N., Pal' A.F., Conversion of energy of fast charged particles into electricity due to non-uniform inert gas ionization [pdf] (1354 Kb)
5. Kavyrshin D.I. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Chinnov V.F., Budaev V.P., Fedorovich S.D., Karpov A.V., Martynenko Yu.V., Gubkin M.K., Lukashevsky M.V., Zakharenkov A.V., Lubenchenko A.V., Marchenkov A.Yu., Vasiliev G.B., Chan Quang V., Rogozin K.A., Konkov A.A., Study of the interaction of helium plasma with tungsten divertor modules in the PLM plasma installation [pdf] (6694 Kb)