
All Submitted Abstracts

Shock Waves, Detonation and Combustion

1. Mochalova V.M. (FRC PCP MC RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Utkin A.V., Savinykh A.S., Garkushin G.V., Nikolaev D.N. Spall strength measurements of epoxy resin with varying content of polyphenylene sulfone Abstract (81.60 KB)
2. Muhammadiev A.G. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Knyazev V.N., Bogdanov E.N., Georgiyevskaya A.B., Spirin I.A., Titova V.B., Volodina N.A., Barabin V.V., Shirshova M.O., Kiryukhina M.N., Voronkov R.A., Kozlov G.A., Rychagov E.V., Kuzmin V.S., Bazhenov D.A., Badagov Y.V., Murzin R.N. Excitation of detonation in an explosive composition based on TATB during shock wave initiation by plane shock waves with an amplitude from 8 to 12 GPa Abstract (86.18 KB)
3. Kuzmin V.S. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Bogdanov E.N., Kozlov G.A., Kozlov D.V., Malyshev A.N., Rodionov A.V., Sedov A.A., Stanovov A.A. Method for simultaneous determination of mass and wave velocities in radio-transparent materials based on microwave doppler diagnostics Abstract (81.89 KB)
4. Smygalina A.E. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kiverin A.D. Self-ignition of pressurized hydrogen released into open space through gradually rupturing diaphragm Abstract (81.83 KB)
5. Isakov V.V. (CIAM, Moscow, Russia), Shibaev S.A., Petrov M.A., Korolev D.D., Kozhevnikov G.D. Development and simulation of laser shock peening process for additively manufactured samples made from titanium alloy Abstract (91.38 KB)
6. Konyukhov A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Rostilov T.A. Generation of vortex structures by perturbed converging shock waves Abstract (88.94 KB)
7. Ten K.A. (LIH SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia), Kashkarov A.O., Pruuel E.R., Rubtsov I.A., Studennikov A.A., Khalemenchuk V.P., Tumannik A.S., Tolochko B.P., Smirnov E.B., Prosvirnin K.M., Asylkaev A.M. Structure of the detonation front of triaminotrinitrobenzene Abstract (86.61 KB)
8. Krivosheina M.N. (ISPMS SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) Modeling of elastic-plastic deformation and ``hydrocode'' for anisotropic materials and auxetics Abstract (76.11 KB)
9. Blinov I.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Blikov A.O., Syrunin M.A., Mikhailyukov K.L., Tkachenko B.I., Gamov A.L., Oreshkov O.V., Chapaev A.V., Yankov S.A., Shuvalova E.V., Bakulina E.A., Mochalov M.A. Study of quasi-isentropic compressibility of xenon to a density of 17 g/cm$^3$ with recording by pulse protonography Abstract (108.98 KB)
10. Dormidonov A.E. (VNIIA(L), Moscow, Russia), Bychkov A.S., Kubasov P.V., Savvin A.D., Simonova V.A., Tikhov A.A., Turkin V.N. Laser-optical methods for registration object parameters under shock loading Abstract (79.88 KB)
1. Gamov A.L. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Shuvalova E.V., Bakulina E.A., Blinov I.A., Blikov A.O., Mikhailyukov K.L., Tkachenko B.I., Syrunin M.A., Mochalov M.A. Results of numerical modeling of quasi-isentropic compression of xenon to a density of 17 g/cm$^3$ with registration by pulsed protonography. Abstract (103.77 KB)
2. Timoshenko A.A. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Drakon A.V., Eremin A.V., Khodyko E.S., Kolotushkin R.N. Effect of dimethyl ether on soot formation in acetylene/air flame Abstract (85.27 KB)
3. Murzov S.A. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Dyachkov S.A., Vyskvarko G.V., Levashov P.R. Moving window technology for simulation of shock wave propagation Abstract (104.62 KB)
4. Shirshova M.O. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Titova V.B., Volodina N.A., Murzin R.A., Bogdanov E.N., Kirukhina M.N., Spirin I.A., Muhammadiev A.G., Kozlov G.A., Kuzmin V.S., Barabin V.V., Ruachgov E.V. Study of detonation excitation and propagation processes in a TATB-based explosive composition in case of shock-wave initiation by low-intensity flat shock waves Abstract (85.10 KB)
5. Kuchko D.P. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Yakunin A.K., Ralnikov M.A. Hugoniot of the uranium alpha-phase in decaying shock wave Abstract (84.59 KB)
6. Efremov D.V. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Uvarov S.V., Naimark O.B. Initiation of quasi-plastic shear in liquids as a method of micro-explosive spraying of fuel Abstract (123.87 KB)
7. Titova V.B. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Linnik O.K., Khaldeev E.V., Piatoikina A.I., Murugova O.O. Numerical simulation of detonation propagation using the model of the Morozov--Karpenko kinetics in compositions based on conventional and nanostructured RDX Abstract (83.12 KB)
8. Vshivkov A. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Gachegova E., Plekhov O. Investigation of elastic-plastic wave propagation during laser shock peening by PDV data Abstract (90.68 KB)
9. Komarov R.V. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Ralnikov M.A., Poptsov A.G., Kuchko D.P. PDV Interferometer with frequency-and time-division multiplexing. Abstract (104.96 KB)
10. Yurina A.D. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Uvarov S.V., Bannikova I.A., Naimark O.B. Tomography of silicified graphite samples under ballistic and dynamic loading Abstract (105.04 KB)
11. Eremin A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Drakon A.V. Shock-induced ignition of ammonia doped with promoting admixtures Abstract (102.17 KB)
12. Emelianov A. V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Bystrov N. S., Eremin A. V., Kurbatova E. S., Yatsenko P. I. Combined action of shock wave heating and laser photolysis on methane-oxygen mixture Abstract (84.87 KB)
13. Selivonin I. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Filimonova E., Moralev I., Dobrovolskaya A. Dynamics and hydrodynamic features of high-frequency corona discharge in methane-air mixtures Abstract (90.32 KB)
14. Yatsenko P.I. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kurbatova E.S., Emelianov A.V., Bystrov N.S. Shock tube study of the kinetics of ammonia pyrolysis at high Ar dilution conditions by the method of absorption spectrometry Abstract (85.69 KB)
15. Zagnit`ko A.V. (NRC KI, Moscow, Russia), Sal`nikov S.E., Fedin D.Y. Modeling and analysis of flammable hydrocarbon outflows in case of emergency spills, bubbling and vaporization of liquid fuels Abstract (88.84 KB)
16. Ananev S.Yu. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Rostilov T.A., Ziborov V.S., Dolgovorodov A.Yu., Vakorina G.S., Grishin L.I. Shock-wave dynamics in pressed aluminum V-ALEX nanopowder Abstract (101.30 KB)
17. Kolotushkin R.N. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Drakon A.V., Eremin A.V., Khodyko E.S., Timoshenko A.A. Study of early stage of soot formation in a flat laminar ethylene/air flame by mass spectroscopic method Abstract (84.46 KB)
18. Lukin A.N. (WCRC, Tuapse, Russian) Nanoscale engineering of oscillating systems in reaction zones: towards smart energetic materials Abstract (75.61 KB)
19. Khodyko E.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Drakon A.V., Eremin A.V., Kolotushkin R.N., Timoshenko A.A. Study of soot formation process during hydrocarbons combustion by the 2D-LII method Abstract (83.93 KB)
20. Satonkina N.P. (LIH SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia), Plastinin A.V., Yunoshev A.S. Changing the sensitivity of an explosive by modifying the structure of the charge Abstract (99.12 KB)
21. Gavrikov A.I. (IBRAE RAS, Moscow, Russia), Danilin A.V. Numerical simulation of combustion and detonation of dust particle-air cloud Abstract (79.15 KB)
22. Kurbatova E.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Bystrov N.S., Emelianov A.V., Yatsenko P.I. Investigation of the high temperature kinetics of dimethoxymethane interaction with O$_2$ and N$_2$O Abstract (93.27 KB)
23. Foliforov D.S. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Levashov P.R. Adiabatic expansion of Lennard--Jones matter into the liquid-gas region Abstract (83.56 KB)
24. Balakhnin A.N. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Bannikov M.V., Oborin V.A., Naimark O.B. Surface modification by nanosecond duration laser as the way of enhancement very high cycle fatigue resistance of metal alloys Abstract (83.17 KB)
25. Kostyukov S.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Voytenko O.M., Zamislov D.N., Panov K.N., Lebedeva M.O., Tkachenko B.I., Yavtuchenko A.P. Computational and experimental studies of the dusting process of liquid lead under the action of a sequence of shock waves Abstract (84.46 KB)
26. Zolotarenko V.N. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Eremin A.V., Korshunova M.R., Mikheyeva E.Yu. The LIF diagnostics of PAH and NOC during hydrocarbons pyrolysis behind shock wave Abstract (86.86 KB)
27. Perov E.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Nelasov I.V., Manokhin S.S., Kolobov Yu.R., Zhakhovsky V.V., Inogamov N.A., Homich Yu.V., Malinsky T.V., Rogalin V.E. Relief formation on copper polycrystal by laser thermal cycling Abstract (104.02 KB)
28. Zubareva A.N. (FRC PCP MC RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Lavrov V.V., Utkin A.V. Determination of detonation initiation threshold in emulsion explosives at different concentrations of microspheres Abstract (88.33 KB)
29. Korshunova M.R. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Eremin A.V., Mikheyeva E.Yu., Zolotarenko V.N. Peculiarities of Soot Formation During Ethylene Pyrolysis Abstract (96.21 KB)
30. Shpekin M.I. (KFU, Kazan, Russia), Arkhipova A.A. Laser altimetry and photogrammetry of impact craters based on circumlunar orbital observations Abstract (79.23 KB)
31. Perevezentsev D.S. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Krasilnikov A.V., Olkhovsky A.V., Degtyaryov A.A., Sidorov K.S., Zinatulin R.R. On the effect of gaps on two-layer plate acceleration dynamics Abstract (86.59 KB)
32. Kamenev V.G. (VNIIA(L), Moscow, Russia), Kubasov P.V., Kleopova N.A., Kuzmin N.A., Providenskaya N.A., Yaroshchuk P.N., Dormidonov A.E. Three-dimensional recording of parameters of a shock-loaded surface and dispersed phase in gas-dynamic studies Abstract (78.70 KB)
33. Yurin V.P. (CIAM, Moscow, Russia), Alexandrov V.Y., Kuzmichev D.N., Ilchenko M.A., Nedelakhin D.D. The dynamics of switching to the mode of high-enthalpy flow generators Abstract (80.23 KB)
34. Yarkov A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kiverin A.D., Yakovenko I.S. Mechanisms of accelerated flame propagation in channels Abstract (103.18 KB)
35. Ostrik A.V. (FRC PCP MC RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Cheprunov A.A. Generator for simulating the combined action of thermal shock and mechanical pressure pulse Abstract (116.33 KB)
36. Ziborov V.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Dolnikov G.G., Rostilov T.A. Experimental study of powdered and solid andesite properties at low impact loading conditions Abstract (84.44 KB)
37. Galiullin I.G. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Smirnov E.B., Prosvirnin K.M. Investigation of the initiability of low-sensitivity plastisol-type explosives Abstract (76.59 KB)
38. Teplyakov A.E. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Sarafannikov A.V., Prosvirnin K.M., Galiullin I.G. Determination of the critical detonation thickness of thermoplastic explosives Abstract (77.40 KB)
1. Obruchkova L.R. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Efremov V.P., Kiverin A.D., Yakoveno I.S. Modelling of reflected shock bifurcation in a cylindrical channel Abstract (104.38 KB)
2. Rapota D.Yu (FRC PCP MC RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Sosikov V.A., Torunov S.I., Utkin A.V., Mochalova V.M. The pointl nature of the initiation of liquid explosives under shock wave action. Abstract (78.59 KB)
3. Ferreyra R.T. (UNC, Cordoba, Argentina), Shpekin M.I. Underground conical shock waves patterns in complex cratering Abstract (79.47 KB)
4. Pomykalov E.V. (SUSU, Chelyabinsk, Russia), Kovalev Yu.M., Yalovets A.P. Mathematical modeling of ignition of high explosives Abstract (100.26 KB)
5. Rapota D.Yu (FRC PCP MC RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Dudin S.V., Sosikov V.A., Torunov S.I. Compression of a solenoid by a converging cylindrical detonation wave Abstract (77.03 KB)