All Accepted Abstracts

Section 3. Power Interaction with Matter

1. Inogamov N.A. (ITP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Optical and x-ray laser-induced phenomena in condensed media Abstract (26 Kb)
2. Khokhlov V.A. (ITP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Inogamov N.A., Grigoryev S.Yu., Formation of a cylindrical cavity under the action of a narrow beam hard x-ray laser Abstract (31 Kb)
3. Isakov V.V. (CIAM, Moscow, Russia), Golubkin V.S., Novikov I.A., Shibaev S.A., Petrov M.A., Investigation of impact of a double beam nanosecond laser exposure on a titanium target through a water layer Abstract (23 Kb)
4. Petrov M.A. (MPU, Moscow, Russia), Elesin D.A., Isakov V.V., Validation of the results of numerical simulation of laser shock peening using computer tomograph and microhardness measurements Abstract (20 Kb)
5. Boykov D.S. (KIAM RAS, Moscow, Russia), End-to-end calculation of thermomechanical phenomena in a solid with dynamic control of the aggregate state Abstract (20 Kb)
6. Savel'ev A. (MSU, DP, Moscow, Russia), Tsymbalov I., Gorlova D., Ivanov K., Starodubtseva E., Volkov R., Zavorotny A., Electron beams with table top high repetition rate lasers: Mechanisms, schemes and applications Abstract (20 Kb)
7. Umarov I.R., Veysman M.E., Popov V.S., Rosmej O.N., Andreev N.E. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Optimization of hard radiation sources based on direct laser acceleration electron bunches Abstract (22 Kb)
8. Veysman M.E. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Popov V.S., Pugachev L.P., Andreev N.E., On estimation of spatial and energy characteristics of direct laser accelerated electrons in near-critical-density plasma and their synchrotron radiation Abstract (28 Kb)
9. Brantov A.V. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Glazyrin S.I., Rakitina M.A., Increasing the efficiency of laser acceleration of charged particles and generation of radiation from targets with preplasma Abstract (21 Kb)
10. Rakitina M.A. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Brantov A.V., Glazyrin S.I., Simulation of plasma expansion under the action of a pre-pulse for effective acceleration of charged particles Abstract (27 Kb)
11. Glazyrin S.I. (VNIIA(S), Moscow, Russia), Brantov A.V., Rakitina M.A., Processes of preplasma formation to increase the efficiency of laser radiation sources Abstract (20 Kb)
12. Nazarov M.M. (NRC KI, Moscow, Russia), Semenov T.A., Shcheglov P.A., Chaschin M.V., Mitrofanov A.V., Sidorov-Birykov D.A., Gordienko V.M., Panchenko V.Ya., Laser-plasma acceleration of electrons and generation of x-rays in an optimized gas-cluster target Abstract (28 Kb)
13. Danilov A.E. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Golovkin S.Yu., Derkach V.N., Dushina L.A., Pugacheva V.N., Starodubtsev P.V., Voronin A.Yu., Vylomov L.P., Study of homogenization processes of microstructure low-density materials Abstract (24 Kb)
14. Burdonov K.F. (IAP RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Zemskov R.S., Sladkov A.D., Korzhimanov A.V., Soloviev A.A., Starodubtsev M.V., Laboratory modelling of equatorial accretion channels in young stellar objects Abstract (26 Kb)
15. Terekhin A.V., Terekhin V.A., Soldatov A.V., Dolzhenkov I.V., Kravets N.A., Stolmakova E.S., Kuleshova V.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), The design of a laboratory source of electromagnetic radiation Abstract (21 Kb)
16. Baranov D.G. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Self-assembly of optical resonators with Casimir and electrostatic forces Abstract (25 Kb)
17. Lobanova L.G. (NRU MPEI, Moscow, Russia), Afanas'ev V.P., Analytical theory of medium-energy protons reflection from the surface of solid states Abstract (20 Kb)
18. Kudryashov S.I. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Instantaneous in situ Raman probing of femtosecond laser-excited hot electrons, optical phonons and atomistic damage dynamics in diamond Abstract (19 Kb)
19. Gorevoy A.V. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Danilov P.A., Smirnov N.A., Paholchuk P.P., Pomazkin D.A., Vins V.G., Kudryashov S.I., Modification of photoluminescent nitrogen optical centers by femtosecond laser pulses in treated natural diamond Abstract (20 Kb)
20. Pomazkin D.A. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Danilov P.A., Kudryashov S.I., Ermolayev I.V., Smolsky A.P., Matyaev I.D., Stress in diamond bulk induced by laser stimulated graphitization Abstract (22 Kb)
21. Kuzmin E.V. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Krasin G.K., Gulina Y.S., Danilov P.A., Pomazkin D.A., Gorevoy A.V., Kuznetsov S.V., Voronov V.V., Kovalev V.U., Kudryashov S.I., Levchenko A.O., Karaksina E.V., Shiryaev V.S., Solid-state nonlinear highly refractive immersion medium for femtosecond laser micromodification of diamond Abstract (27 Kb)
22. Bochkarev S.G. (VNIIA(L), Moscow, Russia), Gozhev D.A., Lobok M.G., Brantov A.V., Bychenkov V.Yu., Simulation of the interaction of an ultrashort high-intensity laser pulse with a structured medium of large volume Abstract (23 Kb)
23. Khokonov M.Kh. (KBSU, Nalchik, Russia), Lomanosov V.S., Unified description of electromagnetic processes in strong laser fields and channeling in crystals at high energies Abstract (23 Kb)
24. Afanas'ev V.P. (NRU MPEI, Moscow, Russia), Budaev V.P., Lobanova L.G., Semenov-Shefov M.A., Fedorovich S.D., Analysis of changes in the allotropic species of carbon under plasma exposure by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Abstract (23 Kb)
25. Bobrov A.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Saakyan S.A., Sautenkov V.A., Zelener B.B., Selective reflection study of excitation dependent dipole-dipole broadening in dense optical medium Abstract (19 Kb)
26. Volosnikov D.V. (ITP UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Povolotskiy I.I., Skripov P.V., Critical and transport properties of composite fuels Abstract (20 Kb)
27. Senoshenko R.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kononov E.A., Vasiliev M.M., Petrov O.F., Variation of character of motion in a sphere-like system of active Brownian particles under laser radiation Abstract (27 Kb)
28. Mozgovoy A.G. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Baidin I.S., Eriskin A.A., Oginov A.V., Parkevich E.V., Tilikin I.N., Rodionov A.A., Obtaining high-temperature plasma by two field-reversed configuration colliding Abstract (27 Kb)
29. Kurilenkov Yu.K. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), On aneutronic proton--boron fusion in oscillating plasmas Abstract (26 Kb)
30. Shpekin M.I. (KFU, Kazan, Russia), Usanin V.S., Fazletdinova R.Yu., Arkhipova A.A., Gabdulkhakov A.D., The task of studying lunar mascons based on high-resolution orbital photogrammetry Abstract (21 Kb)
31. Efremov D.V. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Uvarov S.V., Naimark O.B., Hydroluminescence, cavitation and fatigue resistance of gas turbine materials Abstract (23 Kb)
32. Lukin A.N. (WCRC, Tuapse, Russia), Gulseren O., Harnessing localized phonon wave resonance in multilayered carbyne-enriched nano-interfaces for efficient conversion of cosmic radiation into electricity Abstract (21 Kb)
33. Faleeva Yu.M., Lavrenov V.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Malova O.V., Zaichenko V.M., Development of an experimental set-up for the two-stage pressurized (up to 100~bar) pyrolytic processing of biomass into synthesis gas Abstract (21 Kb)
34. Kazakov D.I., Iakhibbaev R.M., Tolkachev D.M., Filippov V.A. (JINR, Dubna, Russia), Leading all-loop quantum contribution to the effective potential in the inflationary cosmology Abstract (23 Kb)
35. Agapov A.A., Repin P.B., Ibragimov M.Sh., Repin B.G. (FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia), Orlov A.P., Markevtsev I.M., Kornilov S.Yu., Pokrovskiy D.S., Pokrovskiy V.S., Philippov A.V., Baryshnikov M.D., Aluminum K-line radiation in experiments with explosive-magnetic generator Abstract (24 Kb)
36. Mkrtychev O.V., Shemanin V.G. (BelgSTU, NB, Novorossiysk, Russia), Laser ablation of hafnium coatings Abstract (31 Kb)
37. Savintsev A.P. (KBSU, Nalchik, Russia), Temperature phenomena in influence on sodium chloride ultrashort laser pulses: Hydrodynamic effects Abstract (29 Kb)
38. Gavasheli Yu.O. (KBSU, Nalchik, Russia), Savintsev A.P., About fast temperature effects when irradiating sodium chloride with ultrashort laser pulses Abstract (31 Kb)
39. Balakhnin A.N. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Petrova A.N., Brodova I.G., Naimark O.B., Surface modification of metallic samples by nanosecond duration laser Abstract (22 Kb)
40. Simonova V.A. (VNIIA(L), Moscow, Russia), Savvin A.D., Mitrokhin V.P., Sautin A.R., Zaloznaya E.D., Dormidonov A.E., Spectral and temporal response of scintillators exposed to femtosecond laser radiation Abstract (20 Kb)
41. Bychkov A.S., Kubasov P.V., Tikhov A.A., Kamenev V.G., Dormidonov A.E. (VNIIA(L), Moscow, Russia), Data processing algorithms for laser interferometric diagnostics of fast processes Abstract (18 Kb)
42. Zaloznaya E.D. (VNIIA(L), Moscow, Russia), Simonova V.A., Dormidonov A.E., Nanosecond pyrometry of fast processes in gas-dynamic experiments Abstract (18 Kb)
43. Faleeva Yu.M. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Effect of heating rate on the pyrolysis of by-products from coffee berry processing Abstract (20 Kb)
44. Kostenko O.F. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), An extended Brunel model of hot electron generation in nonrelativistic laser--plasma interactions Abstract (19 Kb)
45. Baldin A.A. (JINR, Dubna, Russia), FLAP collaboration: Status and perspectives Abstract (19 Kb)
46. Gudina S.V. (IMP UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Arapov Yu.G., Neverov V.N., Shelushinina N.G., Critical behavior of conductivity in the quantum Hall effect regime under large-scale impurity potential Abstract (25 Kb)
47. Baldina E.G. (JINR, Dubna, Russia), Universal relativistically invariant approach to construction of self-similarity solutions for nuclear collisions in a wide energy range Abstract (19 Kb)
48. Larina O.M., Pudova Ya.D. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Thermogravimetric analysis of spent coffee grounds Abstract (21 Kb)
49. Bannikova I.A. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Saveleva N.V., Uvarov S.V., Bannikov M.V., Khokhlov A.V., Gareev A.R., Naimark O.B., Dynamic fragmentation of alumina by plasma spraying and of carbon and silicon carbide composite based Abstract (30 Kb)
50. Denisov Yu.S. (SPbSTU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Subbotin D.I., Popov V.E., Popov S.D., Surov A.V., Babich K.I., Plasmachemistry synthesis of carbon disulfide Abstract (22 Kb)
51. Zemskov R.S. (IAP RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Burdonov K.F., Soloviev A.A., Starodubtsev M.V., Experimental study of the Richtmyer--Meshkov magnetic instability in a superalfven laser plasma flow Abstract (22 Kb)
52. Bzheumikhov A.A., Margushev Z.Ch. (KBSC RAS, Nalchik, Russia), Shcheglov P.A., Tausenev A.A., Nazarov M.M., Application of polycapillary lenses for focusing x-ray radiation from a laser-plasma source Abstract (25 Kb)
53. Lebedev I.S. (RTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia), Mirzoeva E.T., Kudryavtsev A.V., Influence of intense terahertz pulses on the optical properties of silicon Abstract (24 Kb)
54. Romanov A.A. (UNN, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Silaev A.A., Vvedenskii N.V., Frolov M.V., Two-electron mechanism of high harmonic generation in intense infrared field and attosecond pulse Abstract (26 Kb)
55. Shamaeva N.N. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Safronov K.V., Flegentov V.A., Gorokhov S.A., Gavrilov D.S., Borisov E.S., Potapov A.V., X-ray and particle images of region laser--plasma interaction high intensity laser pulse with a solid target Abstract (22 Kb)
56. Lebedeva E.D. (RTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia), Avdeev P.Yu., Gorbatova A.V., Pashenkin I.Yu., Sapozhnikov M.V., Buryakov A.M., Exchange bias in a spintronic THz emitter structure based on IrMn/Co Abstract (24 Kb)
57. Serebryakov M.A. (IAP RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Nerush E.N., Kostyukov I.Yu., Quantum electrodynamics cascade arising at reflection of a multipetawatt laser pulse from a solid plasma target Abstract (33 Kb)
58. Iankhotov D.E. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Relativistic electron beam propogation in vacuum Abstract (15 Kb)
59. Silaev A.A. (UNN, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Romanov A.A., Vvedenskii N.V., Low-order harmonics generation of intense laser pulses in atomic and molecular gases in static electric field Abstract (24 Kb)
60. Ovchinnikov A.V., Chefonov O.V., Kudryavtsev A.V. (RTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia), Mishina E.D., Agranat M.B., Dynamics of generation of free carriers in silicon with different types of doping under the influence of terahertz pulses Abstract (22 Kb)
61. Cheprunov A.A. (12CSRI MOD RF, Sergiev Posad, Russia), Ostrik A.V., Modeling methods of thermal action from energy fluxes onto constructions Abstract (26 Kb)
62. Avdeev P.Yu. (RTU MIREA, Moscow, Russia), Lebedeva E.D., Gorbatova A.V., Buryakov A.M., Tiercelin N., Preobrazhensky V.L., Photoinduced magnetization dynamics in a THz emitter based on a spin valve Abstract (25 Kb)
63. Alkhimova M.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Skobelev I.Yu., Pikuz T.A., Makarov S.S., Ryazantsev S.N., Filippov E.D., Analysis of L-spectra of multiply charged iron ions formed in experiments with intense femtosecond laser pulses Abstract (22 Kb)
64. Uvarov S.V. (ICMM UB RAS, Perm, Russia), Bannikova I.A., Naimark O.B., Gareev A.R., Dynamic indentation and low velocity impact of siliconized graphite Abstract (26 Kb)
65. Vais O.E. (VNIIA(S), Moscow, Russia), Kalinichev M.A., Bychenkov V.Yu., Spatio-temporal characterization of ultrashort laser pulse tightly focused by off-axis parabolic mirror Abstract (23 Kb)
66. Lobok M.G. (VNIIA(S), Moscow, Russia), Sviridova O.D., Bychenkov V.Yu., Polarization based optimization of laser accelerated electron beam characteristics Abstract (22 Kb)
67. Umarov I.R. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Andreev N.E., Investigation of beam-loading effect in laser-wakefield acceleration in non-linear regime Abstract (26 Kb)
68. Osinova E.S. (MUCTR, Moscow, Russia), Luzenina L.A., Baberkina E.P., Belyakov V.V., Investigation of the ionization processes of textit{p}-chloroaniline, textit{p}-bromoaniline and textit{p}-fluoroanilinel Abstract (23 Kb)