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Oral Session 3. Equations of State for Matter
1. Shpatakovskaya G.V. (KIAM RAS, Moscow, Russia), Atomic number similarity
law in individual electronic shells of all natural elements [pdf] (2201 Kb)
2. Levashov P.R. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Minakov D.V., Volatile nature of liquid--liquid phase transition in dense hydrogen [pdf] (1189 Kb)
3. Iosilevskiy I.L. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Features of phase transitions in non-ideal plasmas [pdf] (6927 Kb)
4. Gryaznov V.K. (IPCP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Iosilevskiy I.L., Ivanova A.N., Starostin A.N., Thermodynamics of nonideal plasma in the SAHA model [pdf] (6640 Kb)
5. Khomkin A.L., Shumikhin A.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), The thermal and ``cold" ionization mechanism for conductivity of metal vapors in near-critical region [pdf] (1597 Kb)
6. Kalinichev A.G. (HSE, Moscow, Russia), Equation of state and the topology of hydrogen bonding networks in water at high temperatures and pressures [pdf] (1467 Kb)
7. Saitov I.M. (HSE, Moscow, Russia), Semimetallic and metallic states of crystalline molecular hydrogen [pdf] (1373 Kb)
8. Khokonov M.Kh. (KBSU, Nalchik, Russia), Khokonov A.Kh., The statistics of clusters in the system of intersecting spheres randomly distributed in space [pdf] (3784 Kb)