Preliminary Program of the Conference
Poster Session March 3
1. Melnikov S.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Senchenko V.N., Experimental study of thermal expansion of platinum group metals at high temperatures and liquid phase Abstract (20 Kb)
2. Gavrilev A.Ch. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Senchenko V.N., Melnikov S.A., Mathematical modeling of the fast pulse-heating experiment as applied to ruthenium Abstract (23 Kb)
3. Mokshin A.V. (KFU, Kazan, Russia), Microscopic collective dynamics in equilibrium fluids.
Self-consistent relaxation theory, molecular dynamics simulations, inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering Abstract (16 Kb)
4. Sinyakov R.I. (MISIS, Moscow, Russia), Belov M.P., Nonlinear response of titanium to deformation at high temperature Abstract (24 Kb)
5. Kadatskiy M.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Khishchenko K.V., Wide-range calculation of equations of state for Mo, Ti, Nb, and Re using quantum-statistical approach Abstract (23 Kb)
6. Rykounov A.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Thermodynamic and structural properties of dolomite under high pressures and temperatures from ab initio calculations Abstract (19 Kb)
7. Efimchenko V.S. (ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Korotkova M.A., Meletov K.P., Buchner S., Kubas interaction of hydrogen molecules with a lithium silicate glass network Abstract (25 Kb)
8. Grishaev P.A. (12CSRI MOD RF, Sergiev Posad, Russia), Zinin P.V., Mantrova J.V., Bulatov K.M., Kutuza I.B., Rapid evaluation of errors of contactless temperature and emissivity measurement by least square method Abstract (20 Kb)
9. Volosnikov D.V. (ITP UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Povolotskiy I.I., Skripov P.V., Comparison of high heat fluxes removal by decomposition aqueous mixture and superheated water Abstract (20 Kb)
10. Menshikova S.G. (UdmFIC UB RAS, Izhevsk, Russia), Influence of Extreme Thermobaric Impacts on the Structure and Properties of the Al-TM-REM Glassforming Alloys Abstract (19 Kb)
11. Kruglikov N.A. (IMP UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Effect of extreme physical factors on seeds germination Abstract (18 Kb)
12. Fominykh N.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Stegailov V.V., Point defect formation entropy on the example of FeO at high temperatures Abstract (27 Kb)
13. Lobashev E.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Antropov A.S., Stegailov V.V., Comparison of point defect migration energies in uranium nitride calculated using ADP and EAM interatomic potentials Abstract (28 Kb)
14. Propad Y.V. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Kruglov I.A., Random structure generator with fixed environment Abstract (29 Kb)
15. Potapov D.O. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Orekhov N.D., Mechanisms of soot thermal decomposition: insights from reactive molecular dynamics Abstract (26 Kb)
16. Bogatskaya A.V., Volkova E.A., Popov A.M. (MSU, DP, Moscow, Russia), Polarization and frequency-controlled THz amplification in nonequilibrium magnetized plasma Abstract (27 Kb)
17. Darian L.A., Lenskiy A.D., Logunov V.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Nazhipov A.A., Nikitin O.A., Rybka D.V., Manufacturing of high-voltage pulse capacitors for electrophysical facilities Abstract (22 Kb)
18. Tsventoukh M.M. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Plasma parameters of explosive emission splashes of tungsten fuzz nanostructure Abstract (22 Kb)
19. Bogatskaya A.V. (MSU, DP, Moscow, Russia), Klenov N.V., Popov A.M., Schegolev A.E., Titovets P.A., Tereshonok M.V., Resonant absorption of electromagnetic signals in multilayer bolometric sensors Abstract (26 Kb)
20. Ponizovskiy A.Z. ( BMBB, Dzerginskiy , Russia), Gosteev S.G., Kuzhel O.S., Low-temperature lightning plasma is a natural tool for cleaning air from harmful impurities Abstract (26 Kb)
21. Akhmatov Z.A. (KBSU, Nalchik, Russia), Khokonov A.Kh., Sergeev I.N., The surface energy and wettability of metal graphite intercalation compounds Abstract (24 Kb)
22. Akhmatov Z.A. (VSC RAS, Vladikavkaz, Russia), Akhmatov Z.A., Effect of alkali metal adsorption on the graphene band structure Abstract (27 Kb)
23. Kamantsev A.P. (IRE RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kuzmin D.A., Bychkov I.V., Koledov V.V., Kalenov D.S., Parkhomenko M.P., Phase transition in vanadium dioxide Abstract (28 Kb)
24. Khokonov A.Kh. (INR RAS, Moscow, Russia), Gangapshev A.M., Akhmatov Z.A., Sergeev I.N., Margushev Z.Ch., Nazarov M.M., Terahertz radiation antenna for axions search by excitation of plasmon polaritons in topological insulators Abstract (28 Kb)
25. Sergeev I.N. (KBSU, Nalchik, Russia), Akhmatov Z.A., Khokonov A.Kh., Sessile drop and bubble capillary oscillation study Abstract (26 Kb)
26. Danilov I.V. (HPPI RAS, Troitsk, Russia), Gromnitskaya E.L., Brazhkin V.V., Correlation of thermobaric history and elastic properties of dipropylene glycol glasses Abstract (27 Kb)
27. Eskov A.N. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Pankratov D.G., Poptsov A.G., Yakunin A.K., Sound Velocities in D16 Aluminum Alloy within 15…118 GPa Pressure Rage Abstract (20 Kb)
28. Onegin A.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Demyanov G.S., Levashov P.R., Angular-averaged Ewald potential for a Yukawa one-component plasma Abstract (27 Kb)
29. Poptsov A.G. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Pankratov D.G., Refractive indices and correction coefficients for certain optically transparent media Abstract (20 Kb)
30. Mikhaylov V.N., Elkin V.M. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), A wide-range multiphase equation of state for copper Abstract (17 Kb)
31. Maltsev A.P. (Skoltech, Moscow, Russia), Chepkasov I.V., Oganov A.R., Accurate phase transitions and ion conductivity in Li$_2$B$_{12}$H$_{12}$: MD study within machine learning interatomic potentials Abstract (23 Kb)
32. Ustyuzhanin E.E. (NRU MPEI, Moscow, Russia), Rykov S.V., Investigation of some scaling models connected with thermodynamic properties and complexes near the critical point of SF$_6$ Abstract (27 Kb)
33. Paramonov M.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Minakov D.V., Levashov P.R., Investigation of the high-temperature properties of uranium in liquid and near-critical states from the first principles Abstract (22 Kb)
34. Galtsov I.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Paramonov M.A., Fokin V.B., Minakov D.V., Dorovatovskiy A.V., Sheindlin M.A., Thermodynamic, transport, and optical properties of iron in the vicinity of melting from textit{ab initio} calculations and experiment Abstract (25 Kb)
35. Ismagambetova T.N. (KAZNU, IETP, Almaty, Kazakhstan), Gabdullin M.T., Ramazanov T.S., Thermodynamic properties of dense hydrogen plasmas Abstract (25 Kb)
36. Simonova V. (VNIIA(L), Moscow, Russia), Bychkov A., Zaloznaya E., Karabutov A., Tension maps in AMG-9 alloy with defects. Laser ultrasound analysis Abstract (28 Kb)
37. Akzyanov R.S. (VNIIA(S), Moscow, Russia), Calculation of the conductivity of the disordered magnetic topological insulators with the Bastin-Kubo formulas Abstract (22 Kb)
38. Vichev I.Yu. (KIAM RAS, Moscow, Russia), Solomyannaya A.D., Grushin A.S., Kim D.A., THERMOS Toolkit: spectral characteristics of matter and EOS for RHD calculations Abstract (22 Kb)
39. Tararushkin E.V. (HSE, Moscow, Russia), Pisarev V.V., Interaction of nitrite ions with hydrated portlandite surfaces: Atomistic computer simulation study Abstract (25 Kb)
40. Sapozhnikov F.A. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Comparison of convolutional and restoring algorithms for crystal structure determination in melt crystallisation modelling Abstract (18 Kb)
41. Sarychev M.N., Zhevstovskikh I.V., Ulanov V.A., Averkiev N.S., Gudkov V.V. (UrFU, Ekaterinburg, Russia), Contribution of the Jahn-Teller sub-system to the dynamic moduli via simulation of relaxation time Abstract (29 Kb)
42. Radchenko P.A., Radchenko A.V. (ISPMS SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia), Batuev S.P., Numerical study of the influence of the high-strength striker rotation on its failure and interaction with the metal barrier upon impact Abstract (20 Kb)
43. Erager K.R. (CSU, Chelyabinsk, Russia), Baigutlin D.R., Sokolovskiy V.V., Buchelnikov V.D., Atomistic modelling of twin structures in Heusler alloys Abstract (29 Kb)
44. Khnkoian G.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Nikolaev V.S., Stegailov V.V., Interatomic potential for a system of liquid lead with dissolved oxygen Abstract (26 Kb)
45. Penzin I.V. (FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Russia), Petrov D.V., Nikitin O.A., Akhmetov A.R., Khrenkov S.D., Protas R.V., Chukhaev E.I., Volosenko K.S., Shepelev D.N., Photoneutron Source Based on Linear Induction Accelerator Abstract (21 Kb)
46. Solovyeva O.S. (OmSTU, Omsk, Russia), Gorbunov V.A., Akimenko S.S., Tensor renormalization group study of simple lattice model of cation-anion binary adsorption layer on muscovite (001) surface Abstract (27 Kb)
47. Dyachkov S.A. (VNIIA(S), Moscow, Russia), Grigoryev S.Yu., Applying machine learning algorithms to fit shock-wave data with fluid dynamics simulations Abstract (21 Kb)
48. Bakulin I.K. (MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russia), Kondratyuk N.D., Calculation of crown-ether binding energies: methods comparison Abstract (31 Kb)
49. Kulagin V.V. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Tsventoukh M.M., Irradiation of tungsten by energetic helium: A molecular dynamics study Abstract (26 Kb)
50. Smirnov G.S. (HSE, Moscow, Russia), Experimental confirmation of the predicted high-PT Fe body-centered cubic phase Abstract (20 Kb)
51. Murashov Iu.V., Obraztsov N.V. (SPbPU, Saint-Peters\-burg, Russia), Kurakina N.K., Zhiligotov R.I., Numerical study of heat exchange processes of finely dispersed Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$ powder in a thermal plasma flow Abstract (28 Kb)
52. Zhiligotov R.I. (SPbPU, Saint-Peters\-burg, Russia), Obraztsov N.V., Kurakina N.K., Murashov Iu.V., Zverev S.G., Primachenko D.V., Simulink model for the pulse voltage generator {7}~MV, {560}~kJ Abstract (30 Kb)
53. Skryleva E.I. (MSU, Moscow, Russia), Nikitin V.F., Manahova A.N., Mathematical modeling of in-situ combustion as a method of enhanced oil recovery Abstract (22 Kb)
54. Pisarev V.V. (HSE, Moscow, Russia), Grossi J., Two-temperature modeling of crystal growth in supercooled melt Abstract (25 Kb)
55. Bezborodova P.A. (CSU, Chelyabinsk, Russia), Krasnikov V.S., Mayer A.E., Effect of hydrogen atoms on the deformation behavior of Al-Cu alloy Abstract (26 Kb)
56. Mikhalchenko E.V. (SRISA RAS, Moscow, Russia), Nikitin V.F., Numerical simulation of a pulse detonation engine Abstract (22 Kb)
57. Ostrik M.A. (LMRUT, Korolev, Russia), Lakhno V.D., Numerical modeling of denaturation of non-uniform DNA Abstract (26 Kb)
58. Datsko I.M. (IHCE SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia), Chaikovsky S.A., Rousskikh A.G., Van"kevich V.A., Zhigalin A.S., Oreshkin V.I., Time-Resolved Visible Spectra in a Skin Explosion of Conductors in Megagauss Magnetic Fields Abstract (21 Kb)
59. Shikin V.B. (ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Metallic beads near the boundary of two media with different dielectric constants Abstract (18 Kb)
60. Selivonin I. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kuvardin S., Moralev I., Digital Implementation of Time Correlated Single Photon Counting for Barrier Discharge Diagnosis Abstract (27 Kb)
61. Pinchuk M.E. (IEE RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Budin A.V., Leontev V.V., Lazukin A.V., Bogomaz A.A., Optimization of magnetic probe design for current measuring in a powerful discharge in dense gas Abstract (26 Kb)
62. Bogomaz A.A., Pinchuk M.E. (IEE RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Kolikov V.A., Snetov V.N., Stepanova O.M., Dyachenko A.A., Budin A.V., Mean electric field and total near-electrode voltage drops measurements for discharge in hydrogen at initial pressures of~$ mathbf{ approx}$~20~MPa with current amplitude~of~1.3~MA Abstract (29 Kb)
63. Kavyrshin D.I. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Pashchina A.S., Chinnov V.F., Myazin A.S., Comprehensive determination of the ionization composition of pulsed erosive discharge plasma in a polymer material capillary Abstract (31 Kb)
64. Novikov L.A. (SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Dzlieva E.S., Ermolenko M.A., Pavlov S.I., Siasko A.V., The creation of double dust structures in inhomogeneous dust traps in a glow discharge in neon Abstract (19 Kb)
65. Triaskin J.V. (SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Pinchuk M.E., The influence of the shock wave on the hydrodynamic fields for the high-current discharge in high density gas: numerical evaluation Abstract (28 Kb)
66. Reshetniak V.V. (SRC RF TRINITI, Troitsk, Russia), Reshetniak O.B., Filippov A.V., Energy and size distribution of $ mathrm{(H_2O)}_n$ and $ mathrm{H^+(H_2O)}_n$ clusters Abstract (30 Kb)
67. Ryazantsev S.N., Skobelev I.Yu., Kuznetsov A.P., Kulikov R.K. (NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia), Pikuz S.A., Method for precise wavelength measurements of spectral lines emitted by middle-Z ions in laser plasma of mineral targets Abstract (23 Kb)
68. Labetskaya N.A. (IHCE SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia), Datsko I.M., Vankevich V.A., Oreshkin V.I., Chaikovsky S.A., Near-surface matter density distribution of copper cylindrical conductors at skin explosion Abstract (21 Kb)
69. Pavlov S.I. (SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Dzlieva E.S., Morozova M.B., Novikov L.A., Tarasov S.A., Karasev V.Yu., Investigation of the dynamics of double structures in a striation in a magnetic field Abstract (19 Kb)
70. Izvekova Yu.N. (IKI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Popel S.I., Drift instability in the near-surface dusty plasma over the Moon Abstract (18 Kb)
71. Kononov E.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Vasiliev M.M., Petrov O.F., Erosion of particles in the plasma of an RF Discharge Abstract (26 Kb)
72. Vladimirov V.I. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Vasilyak L.M., Dobroklonskaya M.S., Mustafin I.I., Pecherkin V.Y., Electrodynamic linear trap with electrodes of micron diameters Abstract (20 Kb)
73. Chistolinov A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Investigation of water transfer to the gas phase under the action of a discharge with a liquid cathode Abstract (18 Kb)
74. Yakushin R.V. (MUCTR, Moscow, Russia), Chistolinov A.V., Investigation of the oxidation of organic impurities in solution under the action of a discharge with a liquid cathode Abstract (22 Kb)
75. Perfilieva A.V., Chistolinov A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Yakushin R.V., Lubin A.A., Investigation of distribution of the emission intensities of components of plasma in a discharge with a liquid cathode Abstract (22 Kb)
76. Lubin A.A., Yakushin R.V., Chistolinov A.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Plasma-chemical synthesis of nitro derivatives of aromatic compounds using a high-frequency electrodeless discharge Abstract (21 Kb)
77. Panov V.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Pecherkin V.Ya., Kulikov Yu.M., Vasilyak L.M., Vetchinin S.P., Discharge channel propagation perpendicular to boundary of water and oil Abstract (18 Kb)
78. Filatkin A.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Panov V.A., Pecherkin V.Ya., Vasilyak L.M., Saveliev A.S., Electrical breakdown of conductive water under ultrasound Abstract (19 Kb)
79. Kulikov Yu.M. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Panov V.A., Vasilyak L.M., Gadzhiev M.Kh., Modeling the interaction of a high-enthalpy gas jet with a sample material Abstract (22 Kb)
80. Saveliev A.S. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Formation of aerosol of conducting liquid in the presence of electric discharge Abstract (17 Kb)
81. Umarov I.R. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Andreev N.E., Investigation of beam-loading effect in laser wakefield acceleration Abstract (26 Kb)
82. Kukushkina M.S. (LPI RAS, Moscow, Russia), Kharkov M.M., Kolodko D.V., Rykunov G.I., Kaziev A.V., Tsventoukh M.M., Dynamics of Electric Breakdowns on Nanostructured Tungsten Surfaces Abstract (29 Kb)
83. Rykov S.V. (ITMOU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Kudryavtseva I.V., Rykov V.A., Method for calculation of thermal conductivity of hydrofluorochloro olefin isomers on the saturation line Abstract (32 Kb)
84. Kudryavtseva I.V. (ITMOU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Rykov S.V., Rykov V.A., Equation of state taking into account the features of the critical point Abstract (33 Kb)
85. Rykov V.A. (ITMOU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia), Rykov S.V., Kudryavtseva I.V., Ustyuzhanin E.E., H$_2$O phase equilibrium line from the triple point to the critical Abstract (33 Kb)
86. Petrik G.G. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Van der Waals equation of state one and a half centuries Abstract (20 Kb)
87. Trigger S.A. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), On thermodynamics of the Coulomb plasma systems - from quantum theory to classical description Abstract (22 Kb)
88. Apfelbaum E.M. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), The thermophysical properties of low-temperature indium plasma Abstract (28 Kb)
89. Bobrov V.B. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Trigger S.A., The Ground State Energy and One-Particle Excited States of a Finite Inhomogeneous Bose Gas Abstract (24 Kb)
90. Timoshina Y.A. (KNRTU, Kazan, Russia), Voznesensky E.F., Simulation of Processes of Modification of Polymer Materials by Low-Temperature Plasma Abstract (22 Kb)
91. Popov D.I. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Vasilyak L.M., Vladimirov V.I., Dobroklonskaya M.S., Pecherkin V.Y., Extended charged particles in a quadrupole linear electrodynamic trap Abstract (20 Kb)