Conference Scope
Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems represent a wide range of physical states that are all many-body systems characterized by strong long-ranged interactions. Topics of particular interest for SCCS-2005 include:
- General statistical physics of Coulomb systems
- Thermodynamic properties
- Transport and optical properties
- Phase transitions in Coulomb systems
- Kinetic theory and ionization processes
- Bound states
- Astrophysical plasmas: physics of the Sun, planetary and stellar interiors
- Dusty plasmas, charged colloids
- High energy density plasmas
- Plasmas generated by strong shock waves
- Plasmas generated by intensive ion, electron and laser beams
- Rydberg matter
- Chemically reactive plasmas
- Ionic liquids and electrolytes
- Liquid metals and metal vapors
- Plasma in metals and semiconductors
- Electron-hole plasmas
- Cryogenic and ultracold plasmas
- Non-neutral plasmas
- Nanostructures
- Bilayers
- Charges in bubbles
- Quantum and classical Monte-Carlo, molecular dynamics etc.