Conference ProceedingsFull conference proceedings including invited talks and posters will be published as a the special issue of Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & General by IOP Publishing Ltd. The deadline for paper submission is September 30, 2005. All papers will be refereed following the guidelines for referees issued by the Journal. Normal refereeing standards of the Journal shall be maintained. The Special Issue Guest Editors are Please send papers directly to the Journal (see online submission form) following the submission guidelines. LaTeX format files and a template are available here. Please take into account that the enclosed template begins with a command \documentclass[12pt]{iopart} which produces the preprint version. If you want to make the final journal formatting and estimate the number of pages use the command \documentclass{iopart} instead. If you are using BibTeX please download the .bst file here to produce the correct references form. Though usage of LaTeX template speeds up the reviewing process essentially, any TeX/LaTeX files together with postscript figures can be accepted. Authors should quote 'SCCS2005' and whether plenary, topical or poster in 'special issue details' when submitting the paper. The page limits are as follows: The special issue of the Journal will be distributed to the SCCS participants in April 2006.