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List of curves and data sets to plot:

Note: You should turn on the checkboxes in the 1st column of the table only if you want to delete some data sets.
  Type Other parameters Substance EOS

 Shock - shock Hugoniot 
 Release - release isentrope 
 Data - experimental data 
 Isoenergy - the curve of constant specific energy 
 Isobar - the curve of constant pressure 
 Isochor - the curve of constant specific volume 
 Cold curve - isotherm T = 0 
 Double shock - double shock Hugoniot 
 P - pressure 
 E - specific energy 
 R00 - initial density of samples
 m - initial porosity of samples, m = R0 / R00
 P0 - initial state pressure for shock Hugoniot
 Pi - initial pressure for calculation range
 Pf - final pressure for calculation range
 Ri/R0 - initial compression ratio for calculation range
 Rf/R0 - final compression ratio for calculation range
 UH - particle velocity after first shock compression
 N - the number of points per curve (from 10 to 99 , valid only for linear scale)
 Linear / Log10 - the scale type on pressure or compression ratio