Novikov Victor Alexandrovitch 1.
Institute for
High Energy Densities of IVTAN-Association,
2. Curriculum vitae: Date
of birth:
August 1, 1953
Federal Center of Dual Technologies “Sojuz”, Post graduate course Professional experience record:
1976 –
1999 – till present 3. General scientific & engineering achievements: 1) Development of a range of solid propellant plasma generators (GP-77, GP-81, GP-86, Cyclon-8) and solid plasma generating propellants (BP-10F, SPK-5F) for pulsed MHD facilities of “Pamir” type (Pamir-2, Pamir-4, Pamir-3U”). 1976-1995. 2) Development of new types of plasma generators & plasma generating propellants (combined and powder-like) for pulsed MHD power systems. Results are described in PhD thesis “Experimental and Numerical Study of Processes in Working Fluid Sources for Pulsed MHD Power Systems”. 1988-1998. 3) Development of a complex MHD test bench “Pamir-2F” at the “IVTAN-2” test site (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) for geophysical applications and investigations on improvement of components of geophysical pulsed MHD components. 1988-1992. 4) Development, delivery, and successful acceptance testing the 15 MWe Pulsed MHD Power System “Pamir-3U” under a contract #601066 with Textron Systems Division, USA for Phillips Laboratory, USAF. 1993-1995. 5) Development of a novel concept of non-equilibrium plasma generation with application of self-propagating high temperature synthesis. 1995-1996. 6) Development of International Project “High Power Pulsed Sources for Geology & Geophysics” (Improvement of Existing Pulsed MHD Power Systems and Development of their application for earthquake prediction, oil & gas prospecting, treatment of oil wells to increase the oil recovery). 1996-1999. 7) Development of a novel concept of the earthquake hazard mitigation by application of pulsed MHD power systems (man-made release of tectonic stresses of the Earth crust by electromagnetic impact of pulsed MHD power system to prevent the catastrophic earthquake). International project “Effects of MHD Generated Electromagnetic Discharges on the Seismic Regime (EM-Quake)” INTAS 0064-99. In the progress. 2000-2002. 8) Development of a novel concept of application of pulsed MHD power system for electromagnetic launch of air-space plane. 1999-2000. 4. List of publications: 1. V.V.Vengerskiy, Yu.P.Babakov, V.N.Bordakov, V.A.Novikov, A.V.Plekhanov. The Study of completeness of Seed Evaporation in the Combustor of Pulsed Geophysical MHD Generator//Proc. All-Union Conf. "Application of Hardware of Powder Technology and Thermosynthesis Processes in National Economy ". Tomsk, 1987, p.p. 224-225 (in Russian). 2. V.A.Novikov, Ya.M.Kaushanskiy, S.I.Yakovlev. Experimental Study of Aerodynamic Drag Coefficient of Burning Metal Particles in the Low-Temperature Plasma//Proc. III All-Union Workshop on Physics of Low-Temperature Plasma with Condensed Dispersed Phase. Odessa, 1988, p.112. (in Russian). 3. Yu.P.Babakov, Yu.S.Ivastchenko, V.A.Novikov, S.I.Yakovlev. Study of Electrical Conductivity of Combustion Products of Plasma-Generating Propellant// Proc. III All-Union Workshop on Physics of Low-Temperature Plasma with Condensed Dispersed Phase. Odessa, 1988, p.112. p.7.(in Russian). 4. V.V.Vengerskiy, Yu.P.Babakov, V.A.Novikov., et al. Numerical Simulation of Formation of Low-Temperature Plasma in Combustor of Geophysical MHD Generator // Proc. III All-Union Workshop on Physics of Low-Temperature Plasma with Condensed Dispersed Phase. Odessa, 1988, p.14.(in Russian). 5. Yu.P.Babakov, V.A.Novikov, S.I.Yakovlev. Numerical Simulation of Processes in Combustor of MHD Generator.// Proc. of Workshop on Electrophysics of Combustion. Karaganda, 1988, p.58. (in Russian). 6. V.A.Novikov, S.I.Yakovlev. An Electrical Field of Flame of Combustion Products of Plasma-Generating Propellant // Proc. of Workshop on Electrophysics of Combustion. Karaganda, 1989, p.31. (in Russian). 7. Yu.P.Babakov, V.A.Novikov, S.I.Yakovlev. Features of Combustion Process of Solid Plasma-Generating Propellant for Pulsed Geophysical MHD Generators//Chemical Physics of Processes of Combustion & Explosion. Combustion of Condensed Systems: Proc. All-Union IX Symp. On Combustion & Explosion, Suzdal, November 19-24,1989. - Chernogolovka, - p.p. 25-28. (in Russian). 8. Yu.P.Babakov, Yu.S.Ivastchenko, V.A.Novikov, A.L.Sadyrin, S.I.Yakovlev. Analysis of Combustion Process of Solid Plasma-Generating Propellant // Physics of Combustion & Explosion, V.25, 3, 1989, p.p.43-45. (in Russian). 9. Babakov Ju.P., Bordakov V.N., Vengerskii V.V., Novikov V.A., Plekhanov A.V., Jakovlev S.I. Burning Process Features of Solid Plasma-Forming Fuels for Geophysical MHD Generators// Proc. of 10th Intern. Conf. on MHD Electrical Power Generation. 1989, India, Tirruchirappalli, V.4, P. 176-179. 10. Aitov N.L., Zeigarnik V.A., Babakov Ju.P., Bordakov V.N., Novikov V.A., et al. Plasma Generators for "Pamir-2F" MHD System with Adjustable Electrophysical Characteristics// Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on MHD Power Generation. 4-8 Dec., 1989, Tirruchirappalli, India, V.4, P.173-175. 11. Aitov N.L., Zeigarnik V.A., Novikov V.A., Rickman V.Yu., Serov V.S., Tuchvatullin Z.A. Powder-Fuel Plasma Generator for Geophysical MHD Plants Pamir// Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on MHD Power Generation. 4-8 Dec., 1989, Tirruchirappalli, India, V.4, P.306-308. 12. Aitov N.L., Zeigarnik V.A., Kulkov V.V., Isaev Yu.I., Matsenko A.B., Novikov V.A., Okunev V.I., Revtov A.N., Rickman V.Yu., Trapeznikov Yu.A., Turovets V.L. MHD-Complex Test Bench "Pamir-2F". Capability Description. First Results// Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on MHD Power Generation. 4-8 Dec., 1989, Tirruchirappalli, India, V.4, P.304-305. 13. Durnev V.N., Vlasov V.S., Novikov V.A. Mathematical Model and Numerical Study Results of Processes in Metallized Carbon Combustor of Geophysical MHD Generator// Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on MHD Power Generation. 4-8 Dec., 1989, Tirruchirappalli, India, V.4, P.306-308. 14. V.A.Novikov, V.M.Polonskiy, S.I.Yakovlev. Behavior of Seed in the Burning Wave of Solid Plasma Generating Propellant //Physics of Combustion & Explosion, 1990, V.26, 5, p.p.52-55. (in Russian). 15. Novikov V.A., Durnev V.N., Terzy E.D. Numerical Study of Working Medium Formation Process in the Pulsed Geophysical Solid Fuel MHD Generator// Proc. of the First Asian-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Beijing, October 15-18, 1990. P. 352-357. 16. Novikov V.A., Vlasov V.S., Durnev V.N. The Mathematical Model and Process Numerical Study Results in Carbon Metallized Fuel Combustor of Geophysical MHD Generator// Proc. of the First Asian-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Beijing, October 15-18, 1990. P.348-351. 17. Novikov V.A., Durnev V.N., Terzy E.D., Vlasov V.S. Numerical Modeling of Two-Phase Reactive Flows in Heterogeneous Displacement Chemical Reactors. // Proc. of 13th Int. Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Nagoya, Japan, July 28 - August 2, 1991, Р.204. 18. Aitov N.L., Zeigarnik V.A., Novikov V.A., Okunev V.I. Development of Powder-Like Metallized Fuels for Pulsed Geophysical MHD Generators // Proc. of The Second Beijing Intern. Symp. on Pyrotechnics and Explosives Combined with The Seventeenth Intern. Pyrothechnicas Seminar. October 28-31, 1991, Beijing, China. 19. Aitov N.L., Zeigarnik V.A., Novikov V.A. Research & Development of Powder-Like Fuel Low-Temperature Plasma Generators for Pulsed Geophysical MHD Facilities // Proc. of XX Intern. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, July 8-12, 1991, Piza, Italy. 20. Aitov N.L., Zeigarnik V.A., Novikov V.A., Okunev V.I., Babakov Ju.P., et al. Research & Development of High-Energetic Fuels and Plasma Generators for Pulsed MHD Power Plants // Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Energy Transfer in MHD Flows. 30th Sept. - 4th Oct., 1991, Cadarache, France. 21. V.N.Durnev, V.A.Novikov, E.D.Terzy. Mathematical Model of Processes of Formation of Working Fluid of Pulsed Geophysical MHD Generator //High Temperatures. V.30, 3, 1992, p.p.629-636. (in Russian). 22. Yu.P.Babakov, V.A.Novikov, V.I.Okunev, A.V.Plekhanov. Completeness of Combustion of Metal Fuel in the Solid Propellant Fueled Generators of Low Temperature Plasma for Pulsed Geophysical MHD Power Systems//High Temperatures. V.30, 4, 1992, p.p.829-835. (in Russian). 23. V.A.Novikov, V.I.Okunev, Yu.P.Babakov, A.V.Plekhanov. Improvement of Propellant Plasma Generators for Pulsed Geophysical MHD Facilities. Proc. of 30th SEAM, June 29-July 2, 1992, Inner Harbor - Baltimore, MD, USA. 24. Aitov N.L., Zeigarnik V.A., Novikov V.A., Okunev V.I. Research & Development of Powder-Like Fuels and Plasma Generators for Pulsed Geophysical MHD Facilities // Proc. of 30th SEAM, June 29-July 2, 1992, Inner Harbor - Baltimore, MD, USA, P. III.5.1-III.5.3. 25. V.A. Novikov, V.I. Okunev, Yu.P. Babakov, A.V. Plekhanov. Increase of Pulsed Geophysical MHD Installations Specific Power Parameters by Perfection of Solid Fuel Plasma Generators// Proc. of 11th International Conference on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation. Beijing, China, October 12-16, 1992, V.2, P. 556-563. 26. V.A.Novikov, V.I.Okunev, Yu.P.Babakov, A.V.Lukakhin, V.G.Tamurka, A.V.Plekhanov. Low Temperature Plasma Generator with Pyrotechnic Source of Hot Oxygen for Pulsed MHD Plants// Рroc. of 11th Intern. Conf. on Magnetohydrodynamic Electrical Power Generation. Beijing, China, October 12-16, 1992, V.2, P. 564-569. 27. Aitov N.L., Novikov V.A., Okunev V.I., Zeigarnik V.A., Glotov O.G. Research of Powder-Like Fuel Compositions Combustion Efficiency in Plasma Generators for Pulsed MHD Facilities // Proc. 32nd SEAM, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 27-30, 1994. 28. V.A. Zeigarnik, N.L. Aitov, V.A. Novikov, V.I. Okunev, V.Yu. Rickman. Overview of IVTAN's Activity in the Field of Pulsed MHD Power Generation.//Proc. of 32nd SEAM, June 27-30, 1994, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. 29. V.A.Zeigarnik, N.L.Aitov, V.A.Novikov, V.I.Okunev, A.N.Revtov, B.A. Zelenov, L.A.Buchteev, L.V.Kadykov, T.E.Sekretareva. A High-Operation-Life Plasma Generator and MHD Channel for Pulsed Propellant MHD Power System "Pamir"//Proc. of 32nd SEAM, June 27-30, 1994, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. 30. V.A.Zeigarnik, N.L.Aitov, V.A.Novikov, V.I.Okunev,, The First Experiments with Pamir-3U Pulsed Portable MHD Power System//Proc. of 17th Symposium on Efficient Use of Energy and Direct Electrical Power Generation, March 15-17, 1995, Hokkaido, Japan, р.р. 56-57. 31. V.A.Novikov. "Analysis of Processes in Non-Equilibrium Plasma Generators for Pulsed MHD Power Systems"//Proc.33rd SEAM, Tullahoma, Tennessee, p.VI.1-1. 1995. 32. D.W.Swallom, V.M.Goldfarb, J.S.Gibbs, I.Sadovnik, V.A.Zeigarnik, N.A.Aitov, V.I.Okunev, V.A.Novikov, V.Yu.Rickman, A.V.Pisakin, P.N.Egorushkin, B.G.Tkachenko, Yu.P.Babakov, R.K.Kuzmin, A.M.Olson, R.E.Anderson, M.A.Fedun, and G.R.Hill. Results from the PAMIR-3U Pulsed Portable MHD Power System Program//Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on MHD Power Generation, Yokohama, Japan, October 15-18, 1996. p.p.186-195. 33. V.A.Novikov. A New Concept of Pulsed MHD Power Generation with Application of Self-Propagating High Temperature Sysnthesis//Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on MHD Power Generation, Yokohama, Japan, October 15-18, 1996. p.p.343-348. 34. V.A. Zeigarnik, V.A.Novikov, V.Yu.Rickman, V.I.Okunev. Pulsed MHD Power: State-of-the-Art and Prospects of Development//Proc. 11 Int. Pulsed Power Conf., Baltimore, 1997. 35. Yu.P.Babakov, V.V.Britarev, V.S.Eremenko, B.P.Zhukov, R.K.Kuzmin, Yu.M.Milekhin, V.A.Novikov, V.A.Polyakov. Solid Propellant Fueled MHD Generators for Geophysical Applications: State-of-the-Art and Prospects of Future Developments//Conversion, No.8, 1997, p.p.17-22.(in Russian). 36. V.A.Zegarnik, V.A.Novikov, A.G.Blokh, A.V.Pisakin, B.G.Tkatchenko. Development of Requirements for Advanced Working Fluids for Pulsed Geophysical MHD Generators.// Proc. of International Symposium on Advanced Energy Technology, February 2-4, 1998, Sapporo, Japan, P.495-502. 37. B.M.Burakhanov, A.P.Likhachev, S.A.Medin, V.A.Novikov, V.I.Okunev, V.Yu.Rickman. Advancement of Scramjet MHD Concept//38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, 10-13 January, 2000, Paper AIAA-2000-0614. 38. Zeigarnik V.A., Novikov V.A., Okunev V.I., Rickman V.Yu. Kuranov A.L. Mass-Dimension Optimization of MHD Generators for Hypersonic Aircraft of "AJAX" Concept//36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit (Huntsville, Alabama, July, 2000, Paper AIAA-2000-3483. 39. V.M.Batenin, V.A.Bitjurin, G.S.Ivanov, P.A.Gorozhankin, V.A.Novikov, V.Yu.Rickman Andreev Yu.V., Paradovskiy A.M. Advanced Reusable Space Transportation System with Horizontal Launch of Air-Space Plane//Proc. 51st International Asrtonautical Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, October 2-6, 2000, Paper IAF-00-V.3.09.