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Oral Session 1. Power Interaction with Matter
1. Khokhlov V.A. (ITP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia), Ashitkov S.I., Inogamov N.A., Komarov P.S., Murzov S.A., Struleva E.V., Zhakhovsky V.V., Picosecond laser action on iron films: Elastic, plastic and polymorphic transformations [pdf] (2026 Kb)
2. Shih C.-Y., Chen C., Shugaev M.V., Huang H., Zhigilei L.V. (UOVA, Charlottesville, United States), Atomistic simulations of nanoparticle generation by short pulse laser ablation of AgCu bilayers in liquid [pdf] (9562 Kb)
3. Nazarov M.M. (NRC KI, Moscow, Russia), Mitrofanov A.V., Margushev Z.Ch., Shcheglov P.A., Sidorov-Birykov D.A., Chaschin M.V., Zheltikov A.M., Panchenko V.Ya., X-ray and THz generation from metal foil irradiated by laser pulses [pdf] (1398 Kb)